Choosing a hat

beach hat

Hats are back in full force in fashion, so we have to say a few words about them.

This accessory can add a touch of elegance and aristocracy to a woman's image, distinguishing her from the crowd, but this is by no means an easy task, there are a number of factors that should be taken into account.

When choosing a hat, it is extremely important to consider your type of appearance, individual facial features and figure.

For example, larger women with large faces should choose voluminous hats with wide brims. This will help balance the proportions of the overall look. On the contrary, short women with small faces should choose models that do not are so bulky.

A short woman with curvy forms should not wear too voluminous models of hats, because it will not add elegance and sophistication to her, and on the contrary, it can confuse the whole look.

The rule here is that the hat differs from the crown in that it fits the look, not the other way around.

In recent centuries, hat styles have undergone significant changes. Fashion dictates its rules for each era when choosing the color and material of hats. The complex structures that girls and women fixed on their heads with hairpins were replaced by classic models suitable both in everyday life and at a solemn event.

Creating an everyday look is not an easy task, but you have to try if you want to be elegant.

So, for example, we can immediately say that even universal classic models of hats should not be worn with a coat with a classic cut, because you risk adding a few years to your age.

If, for example, you wear a delicate dress with floral motifs in the summer, I highly recommend adding a classic hat to it. You will look stunning!

If you are a fan of denim outfits, then a felt hat would be the perfect addition to your look. You will be elegant and very fashionable.

I have given you only a small part of the examples of combinations with a hat, so you can see for yourself that it is not easy to choose the wrap hat, but let's move on.

Let me tell you a little about the fabrics from which the hats are sewn. It is quite logical to use a variety of fabrics to suit the season.

For the creation of summer and winter models of hats, yarn is most often used. Manufacturers today rely on mixed types of yarn, as they are less prone to stretching and do not lose the original brightness of the color.

There are of course also leather hats, which really look expensive and luxurious. They are mainly made for the autumn and winter season. If you liked this type of hat, then take into account that these hats are quite capricious and should be careful how you combine them with the rest of the outfit.

However, I want to emphasize one model that is extremely popular among ladies, namely wide-brimmed hats.

These models have always been considered extremely feminine and elegant, and that's right, but it should be noted that they look best in a contrasting look. You can freely experiment by combining seemingly incompatible wardrobe items ,such as a dress with a small flower or short denim shorts...

Yes, need a bag too, but the good thing here is that you can choose any bag...everyone will look good with this hat. Here you can only pay attention to the size of the chutney. Here the rule is that the more voluminous the hat, the better it would be to choose a smaller and more practical bag.

We will not set conditions for shoes either (heels are an exception). Just put on your favorite shoes.

A large part of the hats are made of felt. Felt is perhaps one of the first materials in human history, which is obtained not by weaving but by pressing under steam. It can be of both animal origin and completely synthetic. The hats made of felt allow you to wear them at any time of the year. They will also be suitable in autumn. To the question: "What should I wear a hat with in the fall?" - the answer suggests itself. It will perfectly fit into the physique with wide trousers made of corduroy or woolen fabric, a short draped coat.

Many fans of modern hats are attracted to Fedora hat. Fedora is one of the most artistic hat models. It is worn by both men and women. A fedora is actually a felt hat, which is a little softer. It has a brim and a concave top (crown) wrapped tightly with a ribbon at the base of the bowler hat. Although I think it's mostly a men's hat, replacing the ribbon with tulle, you can achieve a perfect combination of hat and suit and look noticeable, non-standard, exclusive.

Every fan of wide-brimmed hats should know that these hats give a slightly bohemian look. They combine perfectly with ponchos, wide long coats, short fur coats. The styles of these trendy hats are as varied as their colors.

Bomber hat

Although I personally don't particularly like this type of hat, I have to say a few words about it as well. The "bomber"" comes from England, where in the 19th century it replaced the expensive and less comfortable cylinders. Back then, the bowler hat was an indispensable element of the business suit of bankers and lawyers. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why 99% of bowler hats are black.

There is one type of hat that is absolutely ridiculous for me personally, but with the right clothes you will look great. This is the cowboy hat.

Forget about classic clothes if you decide to wear a cowboy hat. Jeans and leather pants are the most suitable here. If you can also find cowboy boots in your wardrobe, you will really be the center of attention (this is of course in the circle of the joke).However, if you like riding horses, definitely get such boots.

Let's talk now about our all-time favorite beach hats. It is an indisputable fact that when we are at the beach, a hat makes us look extremely feminine and beautiful, but a beach hat has another very important function. ,which many of us forget. A beach hat should protect our heads from the relentless sun, so we should choose a hat according to this factor. Emphasize light hats, as this will not attract the sun's rays as much. These hats will be perfectly combined with short shorts, summer pants, sundresses or dresses. Shorts with a white T-shirt are also suitable.

You can read our article on nautical style clothing.

Let's summarize now which are the most suitable hats for each season.

For winter:

For the winter season, a brimmed hat is the best option. It will go perfectly with a warm fur coat, but only if the hat is made of felt. And regarding the color of the hat, the rule applies: warm with warm, cold with cold.

wide hat

For autumn:

The autumn hat should not be made of straw, because after all, summer is gone. In autumn, it is time to choose hats made of solid fabrics in calm color tones. Outerwear of drapery, cheviot, tweed, bouclé, etc. would be suitable for such hats. Additional jewelry in the form of a large bag or a knitted scarf around the neck will add femininity and mystery to your look.

autumn hat

Hat for summer:

summer hat

If you are a fan of fedora made of felt or cloth, we will disappoint you, because this will be extremely inappropriate for warm summer days. In summer, we should emphasize cotton or straw hats to ensure maximum ventilation of our heads, but when choose according to the shape of your face. Regarding colors, the choice is huge, for example, the red model will emphasize the joy of life, but the gray one looks businesslike.

Hat for spring:

Oh, spring. This is the time for romance and new acquaintances. It is in spring that many girls and women expect to meet the love of their life and therefore carefully choose their clothes. I personally recommend you a small orange hat with a narrow brim, which will complement the image created with a classic coat or jacket.

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